About me
Allison Agostino is a Montana native who grew up in Stevensville Montana on a small family farm that her parents still run. Now living in Glendive Montana, Allison started her career as a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Specialist learning the world of public health and community development. She has spent the last four years building relationships, leading community groups, putting down roots, and learning the importance of communication. Allison has invested a lot of time in community work, she has served as President of her local Rotary Club, active Chairman of her community coalition, board member of the Montana Prevention Certification Board, Chairman of a local recreational group, and more. Allison also works with her local schools as much as possible helping with Suicide Prevention Campus Walks, Mental Health Murals, community service projects, basketball tournaments, and assistant Speech and Debate Coach. She enjoys painting, graphic design, video games, and a good book when she not spending time with her family and a small army of dogs.