We will be presenting on the Teach Act (Teacher Incentive Program). How to know if your school and your teachers qualify, how to enter your teachers into Infinite Campus, what to expect from the OPI during the verification process, and how to remove your disqualified teachers from participating. We will have time for questions from schools at the end and are more than happy to try to answer all questions.
Autumn Belmont is a graduate of Boise State University where she received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and a Master of Science in Accountancy, Taxation. Autumn previously worked at the Department of Revenue for 3.5 years and has been working as a Budget Analyst... Read More →
Ms. Mohammadi is a graduate of Old Dominion University in Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in MIS and Administrative Management. Andrea worked as a District Clerk/Business Manager in Montana for 6 years before coming to OPI.
Ms. Novark joined the School Finance team in October of 2022. Laci has 10 years of experience working in the banking industry as well as 5 years of experience in Healthcare Finance. Laci was most recently a District Clerk for 6.5 years, where she learned the rewards of a career supporting... Read More →
Ms. Quinn graduated from Montana State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and was licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in 1998. She has been with the OPI since 2017 and in School Finance since May 2021 as the School Finance Senior Manager.
Ms. Skeslien-Jenkins joined the School Finance team in July of 2023 as a Budget Analyst. Alivia graduated from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. After five years in Fargo, ND, Alivia decided it was time to return to her Montana roots. She... Read More →
Budget Analyst, Montana Office of Public Instruction
Paul Taylor works for the Office of Public Instruction as a Budget Analyst. His most sincere work interest is to provide the most accurate and beneficial service to the public schools of Montana