This workshop will review funding of Special Education Cooperatives and ways they work together with school districts to provide support services for special education. Topics included will be uses of funds, maintenance of effort, cash flow/request of dollars, flowthrough dollars to member districts and the accounting of those dollars, where to find sources on OPI website, and other topics that are brought up in discussion group at the end of presentation.
This workshop will review funding of Special Education Cooperatives and ways they work together with school districts to provide support services for special education. Topics included will be uses of funds, maintenance of effort, cash flow/request of dollars, flowthrough dollars to member districts and the accounting of those dollars, where to find sources on OPI website, and other topics that are brought up in discussion group at the end of presentation.
Lacey grew up in the Flathead Valley (straight out of the canyon!) and now lives inBigfork with her husband and 3 sons. She has been the School Business Official atBigfork School District for ten years. She was the assistant business manager for 3years before that and is very thankful... Read More →
Friday April 4, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Board Room